The main part of the scientific potential of the country in the M&CT area is concentrated in the partner institutions. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of staff problems, the main ones being the low relative part of young researchers and the necessity of increasing the qualification in definite fields where the country is relatively low-developed.
The main part of the scientific potential of the country in the M&CT area is concentrated in the partner institutions. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of staff problems, the main ones being the low relative part of young researchers and the necessity of increasing the qualification in definite fields where the country is relatively low-developed.
In spite of the high qualification of the members of the scientific team in the respective thematic subfields, it should be improved with a view to manipulate with the new unique technique planned to be purchased.
In the process of Center development it is foreseen to promote its research staff with a view to providing and maintaining a critical mass of scientists. To this purpose young specialists and prominent scientists will be looked for. Particularly in the second case, Bulgarian scientists working abroad will be contacted, because the possibility of using mother language is one of the factors of significance in the choice of workplace.
Complex „Geo Milev”

Consolato Rosmini graduated from the University of Messina (Italy) in 2019 with a Master’s degree in Chemistry. He continued training with the position of Early Stage Researcher granted by the Marie Skłodowska – Curie Actions – ITN within the project „BIKE – Bimetallic catalyst knowledge-based development for energy applications “, within the research group “Organic Reactions on Microporous Materials” at the Institute of Organic Chemistry with Centre of Phytochemistry of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IOCCP – BAS). Currently, he is employed as an Assistant at IOCCP – BAS and has recently been part of the research team at the Institute of Polymers, BAS, implementing tasks of the work program of the Centre of Excellence in Mechatronics and Clean Technologies.

Assoc. prof. Dr. Giovanni Spinelli graduated at the University of Salerno, Italy in 2007 and holds a Master’s degree in Electronics Engineering. In 2012 he defended his doctoral dissertation at the same university and took a research position. Since 2020 he has been an Assoc. prof. at the Institute of Mechanics – BAS (Sofia) in the Laboratory “Thermal Conductivity Research“. He is the author of over 50 scientific publications with h-index 17 and 3 international patents.
Complex „Lozenets”

Vasil Georgiev
Vasil Georgiev has a master’s degree in the specialty „ Dispersion systems in chemical technologies“ at the Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”. After defending his master’s thesis, he was enrolled as a full-time doctoral student in the Department of Engineering Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering. In 2022 he was recruited on the „National Center of Mechatronics and Clean Technologies” project.

Dimitar Shandurkov
Dimitar Shandurkov is a young scientist with a master’s degree in Functional Materials, graduated with honors at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of Sofia University “St. Cv. Ohridski”. During his studies he was actively involved in research, participated in several national competitions in computer mathematics and won four silver medals. He is a co-author of 3 publications in international journals. At the end of 2019 he was employed at the laboratory “Functional dispersed systems”.

Evelina Vasileva
Evelina Vasileva graduated with honors at the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy of Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and has a master’s degree in Functional Materials. Her master thesis was prepared at the Department of Applied Inorganic Chemistry. Currently E. Vasileva works as a young researcher at the Laboratory for synthesis and (electro)chemical characterization of metals and metal-containing compounds.
Complex „Studentski grad”

Konstantin Dimitrov
Konstantin Dimitrov received a master’s degree in the specialty „Digital Industrial Technologies“ at the Technical University – Sofia. At the end of his studies, he actively engaged in research activities at NIL „CAD/CAM/CAE in Industry“ and was an intern in rapid prototyping and validation of complex three-dimensional objects at the Association for Research and Development in the territory of Sofia Tech Park and TU – Sofia. He is currently a PhD student at the Department Manufacturing Technologies and Machine Tools at the Faculty of Industrial Technology, Technical University – Sofia and works on the project „National Center of Mechatronics and Clean Technologies“, where he is engaged in the study of dynamic processes of free fall, the validation of explicit dynamic analyzes and their application in prototyping

Blagovest Zlatev
Blagovest Zlatev is a young scientist with a master’s degree in Computer-Aided Design and Technology in Machine-building, graduated with top honors both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the Faculty of Industrial Technologies from the Technical University of Sofia. During his studies he was actively involved in research, participated in two student Olympiads for Hot Forging from which he finished first on a national level and third on an international level. He is a co-author of 3 publications in international journals. At the end of 2018 he began work at the laboratory “Virtual Engineering and Digital Manufacturing – Industry 4.0”.

Todor Todorov
Todor Todorov is a young scientist with a master’s degree in Computer-Aided Design and Technology in Machine-building, graduated with honors his bachelor’s and master’s degrees at the Faculty of Industrial Technologies from the Technical University of Sofia. During his studies he was actively involved in research as well as he is a co-author of 3 publications in international journals. At the end of 2017 he was employed at the laboratory “CAD/CAM/CAE in Industry”.