Проект BG05M2OP001-1.001-0008 | Национален център по мехатроника и чисти технологии
- 2018 г.
Автори | Заглавие | Списание |
1. Dichev D., Kogia F., Nikolova H., Diakov D., | A mathematical model of error of measuring instruments for investigating the dynamic characteristic | Journal of Engineering of Scince and Techology Review 11, 2018, 14 |
2. Todorov G., Kamberov K., Semkov M., | Design And Investigation of Cooling And Oxidation Module For Wine Industry | International conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development HiTECH 2018 11-14 June 2018, Sofia, Bulgaria |
3. Тодоров Г., Камберов К., Семков М., | Инженерни анализи и достоверност на резултатите | сп. Машиностроене и електротехника, бр. 05-06, 2018 |
3. Jivkov V., Draganov V., | Theoretical Study and Experimental Validation of a Hydrostatic Transmission Control for a City Bus Hybrid Driveline with Kinetic Energy Storage | Energies, 2018, 11, 2200 |
4. Savov I., Todorov G., Sofronov Y. and K. Kamberov, | Research and Development of Methods and Tools for Rapid Digital Simulation and Design of Personalized Orthoses | IUTAM Symposium on Intelligent Multibody Systems – Dynamics, Control, Simulation pp 149-163, 2019 |
5. Angelov G. V., B. D. Dobrichkov and J. J. Liou, | An Overview of On-Chip ESD Protection in Modern Deep Sub-Micron CMOS Technology | Proc. XXVII International Scientific Conference Electronics - ET2018, September 13 - 15, 2018, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 978-1-5386-6692-0/18/$31.00 ©2018 IEEE |
6. Gadjeva E., Popova P., Hristov M., RF | Performance analysis of carbon-based interconnects | 2018 20th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA 2018 - Proceedings, 2018, 8446657 |
7. Tanev A., | Overview of Gyrator Based Gm-C Filters and their Applications | “Е+Е”, vol. 53, 11-12, 2018 |
8. Gieva E., Ruskova I., Nedelchev K., Kralov, I., | An investigation of the influence of the geometrical parameters of a passive traffic noise barrier upon the noise reduction response | AIP Conference Proceedings, 2018, 2048, 020020 |
9. Gieva E.E., Ruskova I.N., Nedelchev K.I., Kralov, I., | COMSOL Numerical Investigation of Acoustic Absorber | 9th National Conference with International Participation, ELECTRONICA 2018 - Proceedings, 2018, 8439315 |
- 2019 г.
Автори | Заглавие | Списание |
1. Velinova R., Todorova S., Drenchev B., Shipochka M., Markov P., Nihtianova D., Kovacheva D., Larin A.V., Naydenov A., | Complex study of the activity, stability and sulfur resistence of Pd/La2O3-CeO3-Al2O3 system as a monolitic catalyst for abatement of methane | Chemical Engineering Journal, 368, 2019, 865 |
2. Boshkova N.,Tabakova N., Atanassova G., Boshkov N., | Electrochemical obtainig and corrosion behavior of zinc-polyaniliyne (Zn-PANI) hybrid coatings | Coatings, 9, 2019, 487 |
3. Ranguelov B., Nanev Ch., | 2D Monte Carlo simulations of patchy particles, Assosiations nad Prothein Crystal Polymorh Selections. | MDPI Crystals, 9, 2019, 508 |
4. Karabozhikova V., Tzakova V., | Elecroanalytical determinations of cafeic acid- Factors controlling the oxidation reaction in the case of PEDOT -modifaid electrodes | Electrochimica Acta,293, 2019, 439 |
5. Gutzov S., Shandurkov D., Danchova N., Enseling D., Justel T., | Preparation and optical properties of functionalized hydophobic aerogel granules | Proceedings of SPIE, 11332 C, 2019 |
6. Danov K., Kralchevsky P., Stoyanov S., Cook J., Stott I., | Analitical modeling of micelle growth.1. Chain-confirmation free energy of binary mixed spherical, wormlike and lamellar micelles | Journal of Colloid and Intreface Scince 547 (2019) 245 |
7. Kamberov K., M. Semkov, Bl. Zlatev, | Design considerations through study of thermal behaviour of Smart Poles | FABULOUS 2019 - 4th EAI International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems |
8. Sofronov, Y., Y. Stoyanova, N. Kopralev, G. Todorov, | Kinematic study of the articulated trucks operating layout of turn for articulated vehicles | 8th International Scientific Conference TechSys 2019 in IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019 |
9. Kamberov K., Bl. Zlatev, T. Todorov, | Design development of a car fan shroud based on virtual prototypes | FABULOUS 2019 - 4th EAI International Conference on Future Access Enablers of Ubiquitous and Intelligent Infrastructures, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Industrial Networks and Intelligent Systems |
10.Angelov, G., Nikolov, D., Spasova, M., Radonov, R., Gieva, E., | Analysis of Parameter Variability Depending on FinFET Wafer Location | Inernational Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, Wroclaw, Poland, 2019 |
11. Brusev, T., Kunov, G., Gadjeva, E., | PWM and PFM Controlled Buck Converter designed for Wearable Electronic Devices | ICEST 2019, 54th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, Ohrid, Macedonia, June 27-29 2019 |
12. Nikolov, D., Rusev, R., | Energy Harvesting System Model Based on Reverse Electrowetting, | MIXDES 2019, 27-29.06.2019 , Rzesz?w, Poland |
13. Nikov, B., Uzunov, I., Hristov, M., | Study of Parasitic Effects in Two-Integrator Loop Gm-C Filters If Realized with Single Stage OTAs | 54th International Scientific Conference on Information, Communication and Energy Systems and Technologies, Ohrid, Macedonia, June 27-29, 2019 |
14. Panayotov F., Todorov M., Dobrev I., Massouh F., | Experimental study on the effect of a rapid blade-pitch variation on the performance of a helicopter rotor model in hover | ICMT 2019 - 7th International Conference on Military Technologies, Proceedings, 2019, 8870035 |
15. Slavchev, S. , Maznichki V., Stoilov V., Enev S., Purgich S., | Methodology for assessment of material fatigue in the area of welded joints of railway bogies by calculation | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 618(1), 012046 |
16. Stoilov V., Slavchev S., Maznichki V., Purgic S., | Analysis of some problems in the theoretical wagon strength studies due to the imperfection of the European legislation | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019, 618(1), 012045 |
17. Mateev V., Marinova I., | Dynamic Torque Magnetic Elastomer Sensor for High Speed Magnetic Gears | ICMSCE 2019: International Conference on Mechatronics Systems and Control Engineering, January 21-22, 2019, Amsterdam, Nederland, Conference Proceedings, Part III, pp. 982-985 |
18. Marinova I., Mateev V., | Eddy Current Losses in Segmented Magnetic Gear Construction | International Research Conference ICMSET 2019, 11-12 February, Barcelona, Spain, Conference Proceedings, Part VI, pp. 544-547 |
19. Mateev V., Marinova I., | Magnetic Gear with Viscose Ferrofluid | International Research Conference ICMSET 2019, 11-12 February, Barcelona, Spain, Conference Proceedings, Part VI, pp. 540-543 |
20. Mateev V., Marinova I., | Machine Learning Approach in Magnetic Field Calculations | 22nd International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2019, Paris, France, July 15 - 19, 2019 |
21. Marinova I., Mateev V., | Thermo-Electro-Magnetic Convection in Electrically Conductive Ferrofluids | 22nd International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2019, Paris, France, July 15 - 19, 2019 |
22. Тодоров Г., К. Камберов, Б. Златев, | Изследване предимствата и алгоритъм за имплементация на концепцията за дигитални близнаци | сп. Машиностроене и електротехника, бр. 4, 2019 |
23. Sofronov Y. P., Stoyanova Y. P., Kopralev N. E., Todorov G. D., | Kinematic study of the articulated trucks operating layout of turn for articulated vehicles | IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, №618, 2019 |
24. Тодоров Т., Б. Банков, | Моделиране и изследване процеса на запълване на шприцформа с конформна, и конвенционална охладителна система в технологията с многослойно формообразуване (Multi-shot molding) | Младежка научна конференция „Машини, иновации, технологии“ МИТ 2019, 7-8 ноември 2019 |
25. Todorov G., K. Kamberov, B. Zlatev, | Exploration of the advantages and an algorithm for the implementation of the digital twin concept | 29th International Scientific Symposium “Metrology and metrology assurance 2019”, September 6-10, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2019 |
26. Todorov G., B. Romanov, T. Todorov, | Assessment of Accuracy and precision of a Complex Polymer Component | 29th International Scientific Symposium “Metrology and metrology assurance 2019”, September 6-10, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2019 |
27. Angelov, G., Dobrichkov, B., Liou J.J., | Thermal Analysis of ESD Diode in FDSOI Technology using COMSOL Multiphysics | 2019 28th International Scientific Conference Electronics, ET 2019 - Proceedings, 2019, 8878662 |
28. Iliev I., Jekova I., Tabakov S., Koshtikova Kr., Iovev Sv., | Telemetry of Hospitalized High-Risk Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases | Proc. XXVIII International Scientific Conference Electronics - ET2019, September 12 - 14, 2019, 978-1-7281-2574-9/19, ©2019 IEEE |
29. Panayotov F., Todorov M., Dobrev I., Massouh F., | Experimental study on the effect of a rapid blade-pitch variation on the performance of a helicopter rotor model in hover | 7th International Conference on Military Technologies (ICMT), Brno 30-31 May, 2019, Czech Republic, IEEE, DOI: 10.1109/MILTECHS.2019.8870035 |
30. Panayotov F., Serbezov Vl., Dobrev I., Todorov M., | Test Benches for Aerodynamic Testing of Rotors and Propellers for Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | 8th European Forum for Materials and Applications for Sensors and Transducers. September 2-5, 2019. Bratislava, Slovakia |
31. Genov J., | Multi-Criteria Synthesis of Frequency-Modulated Discrete Control of Semi-Active Vehicle Suspension - Part 1 Analysis and Control Strategies | IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 618 012066 |
32. Genov J., | Multi-Criteria Synthesis of Frequency-Modulated Discrete Control of Semi-Active Vehicle Suspension - Part 2 Multi-Objective Synthesis | IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng.618 012067 |
33. Генов Ю., | Многокритериален синтез на окачването на автомобила обезпечаващ едновременен комфорт и стабилност | Технически университет-София, 2019 |
34. Ангелов И., | Динамични изследвания на конструктивни елементи на ветрогенератор от висок клас, отчитайки аеродинамичното взаимодействие на нехомогенно, нестационарно разпределение на вятърния поток | Технически университет-София, 2019 |
35. Stoilov V., Simic G., Purgic S., Milkovic D., Slavchev S., Radulovic S. and Maznichki V., | Comparative analysis of the results of theoretical and experimental studies of freight wagon Sdggmrss-twin | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 664 (1), 012026 |
36.Slavchev S., Stoilov V., Maznichki V. and S. Purgic, | Analysis of some issues in the theoretical studies of unloading flaps strength of wagon series Falns | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 664 (1), 012027 |
37.Mihalev M., Hardalov Ch., Christov Ch., Leiste H., Rinke M., Schneider J., | Additive Laser Barcode Printing on High Reflective Stainless Steel | Acta Polytechnica, Prague, 2019 |
38. Цанков Д., | Експериментални методи за избор на оптимален режим в лазерни технологични системи | TechCo – Lovech 2019, ISSN 2535-079X, Университетско издателство “Васил Априлов” – Габрово, стр.33-39 |
39. Цанков Д., | Изследване на точност в технологични системи за лазерна обработка на материали | TechCo – Lovech 2019, ISSN 2535-079X, Университетско издателство “Васил Априлов” – Габрово, стр.77-83 |
40.Penev D., Hinov N., Vacheva G., | Evaluation of Energy Parameters of Multiple EVs | Proc. in International conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development HiTech 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria 2019, IEEE Conference record #48507 |
41. Gilev B., Hinov N., Ibrishimov H., | Mathematical Model of Induction Heating with Heat Transfer of Cylindrical Body for Pressing Treatment | Proc. in International conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development HiTech 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria 2019, IEEE Conference record #48507 |
42. Hinov N., Gocheva P., Gochev V., | Representation with Index Matrices of Single Ended Primary Inductor Converter Functioning | Proc. in International conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development HiTech 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria 2019, IEEE Conference record #48507 |
43. Rangelov R., Hinov N., Petrov K., Vasileva L., | Obtaining of Nanocomposite Material with Metal Matrix and Carbide Reinforcing Particles by Electromagnetic Stirring | Proc. in International conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development HiTech 2019, Sofia, Bulgaria 2019, IEEE Conference record #48507; |
44. Bogdanov D., Ralchev M., Mateev V., Marinova I., | Harmonic Spectrum Filtration for Current Sensor Measurements | 16-th International Conference on Electrical Machines, Drives and Power Systems (ELMA 2019), June 6-8, 2019, Varna, Bulgaria |
45. Marinova I., Mateev V., | Thermo-Electro-Magnetic Convection in Electrically Conductive Ferrofluids | 22nd International Conference on the Computation of Electromagnetic Fields COMPUMAG 2019, Paris, France, July 15 - 19, 2019 |
46. Mateev V., Ivanov G., Marinova I., | Inductance Analysis of Multilayer HTS Power Cable | Electrical Engeniaring Faculty Conference (BulEF 2019), 11-14 September, Varna, Bulgaria, 2019 |
47. Mateev V., Ralchev M., Marinova I., | Current Sensor Time Response Influence on Harmonic Spectrum Analysis | International conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development (HiTech 2019), 10-11 October, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2019 |
48. Marinova I., Mateev V., | Noninvasive Blood Flow Sensing from Surface Skin Measurements | Proceedings of the 13-th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2019), 2-4 December, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2019 |
49. Mateev V., Ralchev M., Marinova I., | Current Sensor Accuracy Enhancement by Harmonic Spectrum Analysis | Proceedings of the 13-th International Conference on Sensing Technology (ICST 2019), 2-4 December, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, 2019 |
50. Angelov G. V., Spasova M. L., Nikolov D. N. and R. P. Rusev, | Study of p-type FinFETs’ Parameter Variability Depending on Wafer Location | 2019 IEEE XXVIII International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2019, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/ET.2019.8878503 |
51. Angelov G., Andreev M. and G. Kunov, | Zero Voltage Switching DC-DC Buck Converter with Predictive High Current Mode Control | 2019 IEEE XXVIII International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2019, pp. 1-4. doi: 10.1109/ET.2019.8878562 |
52. Spasova M., Brusev T., Angelov G., Radonov R. and M. Hristov, | Low Power Ramp Generator with MOSFET and CNTFET Transistors | 2019 IEEE XXVIII International Scientific Conference Electronics (ET), Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2019, pp. 1-3. doi: 10.1109/ET.2019.8878567 |
53. Minkov D. A., Angelov G. V., Nestorov R. N., Marquez E., Blanco E. and J. J. Ruiz-Perez, | Comparative study of the accuracy of characterization of thin films a-Si on glass substrates from their interference normal incidence transmittance spectrum by the Tauc-Lorentz-Urbach, the Cody-Lorentz-Urbach, the optimized envelopes and the optimized graphical methods | Journal of Materials Research Express, Volume 6, Number 3, 2019. Doi: 10.1088/2053-1591/aaf546 |
- 2020 г.
Автори | Наименоване | Списание |
1. Batakliev T., | Tribological investigations of PLA-based nanocomposites by scratch and wear | Journal of Theoritical and Applied Mechanics, 50, 2020, 105 |
2. Djinovic P., Ristic A., Zumbar T., Daisredy V.D.V.D., Rangus M., Drazic G., Popova M., Likozar B., Logar N.Z., Tusar N.N., | Synergistic effect of CuO nanocrystals Cu-oxo-Fe clusters on silica, support in promotion of total catalycic oxidation of toluene as a model volatile organic air pollutant | Applied catalysis B: Enviromental, 268, 2020, 119168 |
3. Kolaklieva L., Kakanakov R., Stefanov P., Kovacheva D., Atanasova G., Russev S., Chitanov V., Cholakova T., Bahchejiev C., | Mechanical and structural properties of nanocomposite CrAlSiN-AlSiN coating with periodically modulated composition | Coatings, 10, 2020, 41 |
4. Todorov G., Kamberov K., | EV fuse design cost reduction based on Thermal-Electric conduction analysis | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 21, 2020, 100692 |
5. Petrov V., Danchova N., Gutzov S., | Temperature dependent optical spectroskopy: A study of holmium diphenanthroline nitrate in DMF | Spectrochimica Acta part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 22, 2020, 117527 |
6. Gajics M., Spassov T., Kis V., Beke F., Novak z., Schafler E., Revesz A., | Microstuctural investigation of nanocrystalline hydrogen-storing Mg-titanate nanotube composites processed by High-pressure Torsion | Energies, 13, 2020, 563 |
7.Gajdics M., Spassov T., Kis V., Schafler E., Revesz A., | Microstructural and morphological investigations on Mg-Nb2O5 -CNT nanocomposites processed by high-pressure torsion for hydrogen storage applications | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 45, 2020, 7917 |
8. Panayotov F., Serbezov V., Todorov M., | Aerodynamic testing of rotors and propellers for small unmanned areial vehicles at Technical University-Sofia | IOP: Conference Series:Materials and Science Engineering, 878 , 2020, 012041 |
9. Hinov N., Hranov T., | Model-based optimization of a busk-boost DC-DC converter | 21th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA2020, 3-6 June 2020, Bourgas, BULGARIA |
10. Gilev B., Gochev V., Hinov N., | Optimal design of DC-DC converters with neural networks | 21th International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies, SIELA2020, 3-6 June 2020, Bourgas, BULGARIA |
11. Kamberov K., Ivanov Ts., Zlatev B., | Crack propagation evaluation using virtual prototyping techniques | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020 |
12. Todorov G., Kamberov K., | Black box/white box hybrid method for virtual prototyping validation of multiphysics simulations and testing | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020 |
13. Todorov G., Kamberov K., | EV fuse design cost reduction based on Thermal-Electric Conduction analyses | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 21 (2020) 100692 |
14. Todorov G., Kamberov K., | Random vibration endurance test of automotive component using virtual prototyping | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020 |
15. Angelov G., Nikolov D., Spasova M., Rusev R., | Study of Process Variability-Sensitive Local Device Parameters for 14-nm Bulk FinFETs | 43rd International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, ISSE2020, 14-15 May 2020, Demanovska Valley, Slovakia, DOI: 10.1109/ISSE49702.2020.9121152 |
16. Angelov G., Nikolov D., Spasova M., Radonov R. and Gieva E., | Analysis of Parameter Variability Depending on FinFET Wafer Lication | 43rd International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, ISSE2020, 14-15 May 2020, Demanovska Valley, Slovakia, DOI: 10.1109/ISSE49702.2020.9121089 |
17. Nikolov G., Gieva E., Nikolova B., Ruskova I., | The Effect of a Pattern of Capacitive Sensors for Liquid Level Measurements | 43rd International Spring Seminar on Electronics Technology, ISSE2020, 14-15 May 2020, Demanovska Valley, Slovakia, DOI: 10.1109/ISSE49702.2020.9121113 |
18. Karagyozov T., Tzaneva B. and V. Videkov, | Fabrication of Nanocomposite Based of Copper Nanowires and Siliconе Rubber | 11th NATIONAL CONFERENCE “ELECTRONICA 2020” July 23-24, 2020 / IEEE Conference record #50406/ |
19. Serbezov V., Panayotov H., Todorov M., Penchev S., | Application of Multi-Axis Force/Torque Sensor System for Experimental Study of Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Propulsion Systems – Preliminary Results | IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 878:012039, 2020 |
20.Panayotov F., Serbezov V., Todorov M., | Aerodynamic testing of rotors and propellers for small unmanned aerial vehicles at Technical University – Sofia | IOP Conference Series Materials Science and Engineering 878:012041, 2020 |
21. Kralov I., Nedelchev Kr., Gieva E. and I. Ruskova, | Investigation of the influence of the number of rows in Sonic Crystal acoustic barriers with cylindrical elements on their acoustic characteristics | 2020/45th International Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, AMEE 2020 |
23. S. Mihalkov, P. Punov, | Combustion process in a diesel engine operating in HCCI mode: Case study of exhaust gas recirculation effect - BulTrans | 2020, September 2020, Sozopol |
24. Simova I., Angelova R. A., Markov D., Velichkova R. and P. Stankov, | THERMAL MANIKINS – GENERAL FEATURES AND APPLICATIONS | 1st International conference on ENVIROnmental protection and disaster RISKs,29 September - 01 October 2020, Sofia, Bulgaria |
25. Hinov N., Vacheva G. and B. Gilev, | Mathematical Model for Determination of Energy Cycles in EVs | 2020 24th International Conference Electronics, Palanga, Lithuania, 2020, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/IEEECONF49502.2020.9141569 |
26. V. Mateev, G. Ivanov, I. Marinova, | Comparison of Electromagnetic Formulations for Multilayer HTS Power Cable Modeling | 2020 21st International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA), Bourgas, 2020, Bulgaria |
27. M. Ralchev, V. Mateev, I. Marinova, | Transient heating of discharging Li-ion battery | 2020 21st International Symposium on Electrical Apparatus and Technologies (SIELA), Bourgas, 2020, Bulgaria |
28. Hinov N., Dimitrov V. and G. Vacheva, | Mathematical Modelling and Control of Hybrid Sources for Application in Electric Vehicles | 2020 International Conference Electronics, Palanga, Lithuania, 2020,pp. 1-5 |
- 2021 г.
Aвтори | Наименование | Списание |
1. Danov K., Kralchevsky P., Stoyanov S., Cook J., Stott I., | Analitical modeling of micelle growth. 3. electroctatic free enery of ionic wormlike micelles-effects of activity coefficients and spatially confined electric double layers | Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 580, 2021, 262 |
2. Georgieva R., Gancheva M., Ivanov G., Shipochka M., Markov P., Nihtianova D., Iordanova R., Naydenov A | Synthesis, characterization and activity of Pd/CaWO4 catalyst in complete oxidation of C1-C6 alkanes and toluene | Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, 132, 2021, 811 |
3.Vassileva E., Mihaylov L.,Boyadjieva T., Koleva V., Stoyanova R., Spassov T | Porous Sn obtained by selective electrochemical dissolution of melt-spun Zn70Sn30 alloys with lithium and sodium storage properies | Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 877, 2021, 1603319 |
4 .Shandurkov D., Ignatov P., Spassova I., Gutzov S | Spectral and texture properties of hydrophobuic aerogel powders obtained from room temperature drying | Molecules, 26, 2021, 1796 |
5.Petrov S., Marinova V.,Sun S-S.,Hsu K-Y., Lin S-H | Inch-skale graphene-based LC tunable phase retarders:Experimental study of surface interection between liquid crystal-polyimide-graphene layers | Applied Surface Science, 566, 2021, 150646 |
6.Todorova S., Blin J-L., Neydenov A.,Lebeau B., Karashanova D., Kolev H., Gaudin P., Velinova R., Vidal L., Michelin L., Josien L., Filkova D., Ivanova I., Dotzeva A., Tenchev K | Co-Mn oxides supported on hierarchical macro-mesoporous silica ofr Co and VOCs oxidation | Catalysis Today , 361, 2021, 94 |
7.Spinelli G., Rosella G., Ivanov E., Kotsilkova R | Experimental, theoretical and simulation studies on the thermal behavior of PLA-based nanocomposites reinforced whit different carbonaceous fillers | Nanomaterials, 11,, 2021,1511 |
8.Huong T.-T.-T-., Loan N.T.,Loc D.H., Thuy U.T.D., Stoilova O., Liem N. Q | Enhanced luminescence in electrospun polymer hybrids containing Mn-doped ZnSeZnS nanocrystals | Optical Materials,113, 2021, 110858 |
9.Vassilev S., Vassileva C., Petrova N., | Mineral carbonation of biomass ashes in relation to their CO2 capture and storage potencial | ACS Omega, 22, 2021, 14598 |
10.Petkova V., Cholakova S., Denkov N | Foamability of surfactant solutions:Interplay between adsorption hydrodinamic conditions | Colloids Surf., 626, 2021, 127009 |
11.Nankova A., Ilieva M., Czibula C., Teichert C., Tzakova V | PEDOT-supported nanocatalyts oxidation of formic acid | Electrochimica acta,374, 2021, 137931 |
12.Melo B.M.G.,Blaskova-Kochnitcharova D., Soreto Teixeira S., Lefterova E., Petkov P., Petkova T., Costa L.C | Relaxation processes in TiO2- V2O5- P2O5 glass-ceramics | Ceramics International, 20, 2021, 29047 |
13.Tseng Y.-C., Lin C.-M., Jian S.-R.,, Le P. H., Gospodionov M., Marionova V., Dimitrov D.Z., Luo C.-W., Wu K.-H., Zhang D.-Z., Juang J.-Y. | Structural and electronic phase transition in Bi2Se2.1Te0.9 under pressure | Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 156, 2021, 110123 |
14.Lazarova K.,, Bozhilova S., Ivanova S., Christova D., Babeva T. | Flexible and transperent polymer-based optical humidity sensor | Sensors, 21, 2021, 3674 |
15.Lyutov V., Kabanova V., Gribkova O., Nekrasov A., Tsakova V. | Doped poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) films -effects of the dopants chain flexibility and molecular weight studied by electrochemical, microgravimetric and XPS methods | Polymers, 13, 2021, 2438 |
16.Dimitrova N., Banti A., Spyridou O.-M., Papaderakis A.,, Georgieva J., Sotiropoulos S., valova E., Armyanov S., Tatchev D., Hubin A., Baert K., | Photodeposited IrO2 on TiO2 support as a catalyst for oxygen evolution reaction | Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 900, 2021, 115720 |
17.Petkova V., Stoyanov V, Kostova B., Kostov-Kytin V., Kalinkin A., Zvereva I., Tzvetanova Y. | Crystal-chemical and thermal properties of decorative cement compositites | Materials, 14, 2021, 4793 |
18.Stoilova O., Manolova N., Rashkov I. | Electrospun poly(methylmethacrylate)TiO2 caomposites for photocatalytic water treatment | Polymer, 13, 2021, 3923 |
19.Bozova N., Petrov P. D. | Highly elastic super-macropolus cryogels fabricated by thermally induced crosslinking of 2-hydroxyethylcelluose with citric acid in solid state | Molecules, 26, 2021, 6370 |
20.Ivanov V., Paunska Ts., Tharnev K., Kolev S. | magnetic filed stabilization of low current DC arc discharge in cross flow in argon gas at atmospheric pressure- a numerical modelling study | Plasma Sources Sci. Technol., 30, 2021, 085007 |
21.Dias A., Bundaleska N., Felizardo E., Tsyganov D., Almeida A., Ferraria A.M., Botelho do Rego A.M., Abrashev M., Strunskus T., Santhos N.M., Cvelbar U., Zavasnik J., Montemor M.F., Almeida M.M., Carvalho |P.A., Kissovski J., Alves L.L., Tatarova E. | N-graphene-metal-oxide(sulfide) hybrid nanostructures:single-step plasma-enalbed approach for energy storage applications | Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 133153 |
22.Eddy D., Medeiros C.-I.,Vayssilov G., Aleksandov N., Hristiyan A., Mintova S. | Complex H-bonded silanol network in zeolites revealed by IR and NMR spectroscopy combined with DFT calculations | Molecules, 26, 2021, 7296 |
23.Doneliene J., Fataraite-Urboniene E., Rudzikas M., Pakalka S., Danchova N., Ulbikas J | Effect of precursor nature and sol-gel synthesis conditions on TiO2 aerogels structure | Molecules, 26, 2021, 5090 |
- 2022 г.
Aвтори | Наименование | Списание |
- 2023 г.
Aвтори | Наименование | Списание |